Ministry has taken many forms in my life and has always been an important part of my journey. I was first introduced to tangible ministry in high school through my youth group by doing service projects and mission trips. These first experiences built a foundation. I continued doing ministry in college through Young Life, where God developed in me deep joy in being used by God to serve others. As newlyweds, Sean and I found various outlets to serve together, one of which was Amor (building homes in Mexico).
As I transitioned into motherhood, I contemplated how my call to mission had evolved. I learned that my ministry focus needed to be on my family and I felt a peace and a joy about that role. I have felt enormous contentment being a part-time stay at home mother and a part-time speech-language pathologist.
A few years ago God surprised me through a group of young mothers from Servants, when together we formed the “SHARE,” a Bible study. I have been blown away by how God has used our group as a support system for the women at Servants and beyond. God has brought women into our group who have needed love, who have needed friendship, who have needed affirmation, who have needed support. I love to look back and think about all the beautiful women I have met through this group and the way our group has evolved over the years. Together we have walked through some intense situations, some deep hurt, and some times of joy and blessing. We have shared meals, laughter, tears, prayer, study, and of course, parenting struggles; but through these precious moments I have made deep friendships. I have loved seeing the barriers come down in this space that God has provided. We are serving each other through this season of motherhood, which can sometimes feel like survival. Life’s busyness along with our many roles and obligations can feel daunting and mundane. C.S. Lewis’s words here lead me to recognize and appreciate the friendships that I have made in the SHARE:
“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art…. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves
The SHARE has given value to my “survival” and I think that each woman who has been a part of the group would agree. We serve each other in many ways, whether it be meals, prayer, watching each other’s kids, or just letting each other vent; it has been a valuable ministry. Previously, I would not have considered a Bible study to be a ministry, but God has surprised me. Ministry takes many forms, and in this season one of its forms in my life is a small group of women walking through life together.
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
Acts 2:42
Caline McDermott
Caline and her family have attended Servants since 2012. She started with the SHARE 3 years ago (I think?). She works as a part-time speech-language pathologist at Glen Spring Elementary. Caline has also served as Community Group leader, organizes monthly meals for the homeless at Grace Marketplace, serves on the worship team, and makes meals for college Young Life leaders. Caline and her family are always looking for the next adventure, whether it be surfing, traveling to the mountains, listening to live music, or exploring new trails around town.