and at the last he will stand upon the earth.
And after my skin has been thus destroyed,
yet in my flesh I shall see God,
whom I shall see for myself,
and my eyes shall behold, and not another.
How my heart yearns within me!
– Job 19:25-27
I am so thankful for my daily Bible readings over these first two weeks of Advent. I have been in the book of I Corinthians which I quoted in last week’s article and the book of Job. In Corinthians, Paul is reminding the Church of our hope in the Resurrection, but as you can see above, Job also knows of that same hope even in the face of great adversity. This passage from Job above seemed very appropriate today.
These two books of the Bible have truly sustained me as I’ve walked with each of you towards Ralph Coryell’s impending death. Since the news of Ralph’s passing Sunday night, I have been reflecting on how much he means to my family personally, as well as to our whole congregation. I am thankful for the gift he has been to my life and ministry. We will all have the opportunity to celebrate Ralph’s life and proclaim with Job the hope we have in Our Redeemer, Jesus Christ! Plans are shaping up for the funeral service to be held on Saturday, December 26th. I will give you more information once a date and time are finalized.