This Sunday, the newly ordained Father James Manley will be preaching and celebrating at both of our services (note the new times!). Our lectionary has prescribed Luke 15:1-10, the Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin, as well as Psalm 51 (David’s confession and plea to the Lord for mercy). James+ will preach about confession and repentance and how we, the church, are a community of saved sinners, called to continual confession and repentance.
A wonderfully gifted song-writer and church musician in our diocese, Wendell Kimbrough (Church of the Apostles, Fairhope, Alabama), has recently written a song based on another of David’s Psalms, Psalm 32, in which David extols the joys of forgiveness through confession.
We’ll sing this song at our Offertory this Sunday. You may want to read Wendell’s explanation of the song’s inspiration as you listen. The lyrics can be viewed at the bottom of this page. We hope this song helps bring the Psalm alive and encourages each of us to not hide our brokenness but to confess to God and to one another, to forgive as we’re forgiven by our heavenly Father, and to be a part of His family of grace!
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