Each week we have need of 26-30 volunteers to help the service run smoothly. All ministries come with training, so no need to worry if you’ve never served in a particular ministry – all that is required is a willing heart and dedication! Email admin@servantsanglican.org with the ministry/ministries of interest and your contact info.
*Almost all volunteers will need to go through our sexual misconduct prevention training. If volunteering with Children or Youth Ministries, a background check will be required.
- Acolytes (assists priests with Eucharist)
- Altar Guild (prepares the Table for Eucharist before each service and cleans up after the service)
- Chalice Bearers (serves wine during Communion)
- Children’s Ministry (works with lead teacher(s) in ages 0-3rd grade)
- Counters (counts the offering with a partner either after the service on Sundays or on Mondays)
- Eucharistic Visitation Minister (takes communion to those who are homebound on a rotational basis)
- Facilities Team (helps with basic repairs and upkeep of the building and grounds; assists at quarterly parish-wide work days)
- Greeters (chats with newcomers and is prepared to invite visitors to lunch if opportunity presents itself)
- Hospitality Team (brings food for and helps set up coffee hour; helps set up for other parish-wide events)
- Lectors (reads the Old and New Testament readings and leads the Psalm)
- Live Stream (handles the streaming of the service to Facebook/YouTube)
- Music Team (sings or plays an instrument during worship)*Please note we cannot teach you to play an instrument*
- Prayer Team (is available to pray for people during Communion)
- Projection (sets up songs for projection during service, operates slide projection during the service)
- Sound (regulates the sound system, delivers and retrieves headset mics to clergy, sets up sound equipment as needed)
- Transportation (picks up and takes home individuals who are unable to get to the service on their own)
- Ushers (guides people to seats, Children’s ministry rooms, as needed)
- Youth (assists with youth meetings and events)