Second Day of Advent | Psalm 17:8

“Keep me as the apple of your eye…” Psalm 17:8 (Context: Psalm 17)
Have you ever wondered where the phrase “apple of your eye” comes from? Since this phrase was put in front of me three times in less than one week from three separate sources, I definitely wondered. The original Hebrew phrase is used in three places in the Bible: once to describe how God protected Jacob (Deut. 32:10), once by David in the Psalm mentioned above, and once in Proverbs 7:2. The phrase literally means “little man of the eye” and refers to the tiny reflection of yourself that you see in another’s eyes.
For me, this is significant. To keep a long story short, a few weeks ago I was really questioning whether the God of the universe – the God who is so big and powerful that He keeps galaxies and stars and planets in line – could really care about me, a tiny speck of dust living on a slightly larger speck of dust swirling in the midst of a vast vacuum. Someone prayed that God would show me He cared and within a week, I believe God answered three times with, “you are the apple of my eye.”
Think about it. To be reflected in someone’s eyes, they have to be looking at you. Although this phrase is used fairly specifically for Jacob and David in the Bible, I think I can believe that God is looking at me, too. He sees me.*
Interestingly, in Proverbs 7:2, a father (the Father, I think) is speaking to a “son.” He says, “keep my words and treasure up my commandments with you…keep my teaching as the apple of your eye,” So I have a part to play, too. Yes, God sees me, but I’m to keep my eyes on His words, His commandments, and His teachings. There’s a good chance that if I’d been doing my part in the first place, I wouldn’t have needed the reminder that God sees me at all. But, praise be to God, He is willing to remind us of things we should already know.
*The link here directs you to a sermon on Luke 19:1-10 by Deacon Chris Jones. If you haven’t heard it before, I encourage you to listen now. It’s more on this same theme – God sees you and loves you.
Nikki Smith
Nikki and her husband Justin joined the Servants family in 2011. She has become instrumental in our youth programs as the on-staff Youth Leader. She is the mother of two of our youngsters, and as if that is not enough to keep her busy, she is also Servants’ Communications Director.

First Day of Advent | Matthew 25:37-40

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:37-40 (Context: Matthew 25:31-46)
The essence of this wonderful verse was brought home to me one very cold Advent season in Jacksonville, Florida. I was very preoccupied for reasons that are now unclear and on the way to pick up some food for dinner from a local Long John Silver’s. I was delighted to have my teenage daughter with me who I hope could brighten up my spirits. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a young sad waif of a girl walk into the food establishment and gave it no thought.
As I waited to pick up my food order, my reverie was suddenly broken by the manager yelling at the waif… “Go on…get out of here … we don’t give no free handouts to bums… get out!!!!!” Wow…Christmas spirit…and I picked up my order, paid, and then noticed that daughter was no longer with me…..
I went outside and then noticed that my daughter was standing with little waif with her arm around her wiping her tears away then handing a wad of bills and walking back to me. Now my reverie was broken and the meaning of the Scripture came to me, “the least of these my brothers and sisters.” I said: “What you did was wonderful.” To which my daughter responded: “Don’t make a big deal out it dad.” Well, the money she gave was her entire paycheck.
As I looked around I noticed that the young waif had disappeared! How could that be? Very little time had passed…or so I thought …Where did she go? Had God sent us an angel like in the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”…? I don’t know. At this point my eyes began to moist up and we headed for the car…  another Scripture came to mind: “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2
Ken Handley
Ken Handley along with his wife Bev, were founding members of Servants of Christ. Although Bev went to be with the Lord in 2016, Ken continues to be a strong supporter of our family efforts to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a member of the vestry with his term ending in 2018.