To inherit the kingdom, I am directed to help the “least of these.” Jesus gives me some examples of those who fall into this category:
- The hungry and thirsty – The homeless fit neatly into this group. But I don’t need to give to them because they will probably use the money to buy booze or drugs, right?
- Strangers – Lately there have been several instances of people in town/coming to town who need a place to stay: people who were fleeing Irma, traveling ministry leaders, families of individuals receiving treatment at UF Health, old friends with young children. Yet my house is a bit messy, I don’t want to risk my children not sleeping through the night, and our dog doesn’t do well with strangers. If they understood my situation, they probably wouldn’t even want to come.
- The naked – I give clothes to Goodwill all the time. Goodwill then provides my clothes to naked people, right? Check that one off the list!
- The sick – I have a family with small children and it’s flu season, Jesus! It would be irresponsible for me to visit anybody at the hospital (i.e., flu den), let alone talk to my coworker who just sneezed.
- Prisoners – Don’t those people have free food, television, and on-demand chaplains? Sounds like their needs are taken care of to me.
This follow-up warning makes me extremely uncomfortable, but probably not as uncomfortable as Jesus when He is hungry, thirsty, lonely, naked, sick, and in prison. I feel God calling me to meet the needs of the least of these, irrespective of my family situation, health status (current or future), home size, handicaps, bank account, schedule, and especially my judgement of whether the person in question deserves help (spoiler alert: they deserve it!). So I ask you to join me as I attempt to picture the face of Jesus over the faces of those I would sooner not feed, accommodate, clothe, take care of, or visit.
Justin has been a faithful sinner for the last 33 years of his life and continues to find inventive and creative reasons for putting his palm to his forehead and his foot in his mouth. He is devoted to finding ways of taking the abundance of privilege, blessings, and grace that are being dumped over him to point others to Jesus. Though he feels called to Littlewood for now, Justin’s heart also lies in helping the homeless of Gainesville. If you would like to join Servants in reaching out to the least of these at Littlewood, he would love to talk with you – drop him an email at