Update as of March 17, 2020: Our 8:00am Sunday service has been cancelled until further notice. Our 9:30am Sunday service will be live streamed and only essential personnel will be present. Wednesdays @ Servants classes will live streamed when they take place. Check our Facebook and other social media pages for announcements and links to live streams. If you have a prayer need, visit servantsanglican.org/prayer to send your need directly to our prayer team leader, Mary Langeland.
Dear Servants,
On Sunday I shared with the congregation that I would be meeting with a small group of our members who have expertise/experience dealing with virus infection and prevention to address the COVID-19 (the coronavirus). Wednesday Emily Wilson, Dr. Jim Moulthrop, and Daryl Johnston met with me in an extensive planning meeting. The good news is that Servants already has an emergency plan in place and I can report that plan has now been updated. These individuals have made themselves available for any questions you might have for them.
The first action we have taken is regarding Communion. I have asked the altar guild to use only the silver chalices for communion until further notice. As many of you know silver is a deterrent to the spread of germs. Furthermore, Father James and I will be explaining at the Peace about the options each of you have regarding the chalice. First, you may refrain from receiving the wine altogether. It is perfectly acceptable to only receive the wafer as a full participant in the Sacrament of Communion. Secondly, you may intinct the wafer in the chalice; intinct is a fancy word for dip. If you choose this method, please take care not to allow your finger to touch the wine. Third, you may continue to receive the chalice to your mouth as is our standard practice. This is the method I will continue to use, unless I get a cold, of course. We are prepared to alter our Communion practice should the time come.
We will also be providing information from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) regarding how individuals may best prevent the spread of germs. There will be printed material on the welcome table and also some posters up on Sunday. The CDC is our best source of information and we encourage you to visit their website for the most update information. Our team will be implementing the CDC’s recommendations as they are available. As an example, we will be making hand sanitizer available at the first pew and also in the narthex and children’s area for your use when entering or exiting the church building.
Additionally, Father James and I will be encouraging a modified sharing of the Peace on Sunday mornings. Again, you have freedom to share the peace in any way you desire but please respect that others may not want to hug or shake hands during this period of time. Let’s extend grace to one another and respect each others boundaries. Fist pumps, waves, or elbow touches are appropriate ways to express the Peace.
Now, having laid out some the work of our team, let me address COVID-19 from a pastoral standpoint. First, let me say this is not a time to be fearful, nor is it a time to avoid facing the potential danger. Both fear and avoidance are unwise responses from the people of God. As Christians, we have peace because this virus is not catching our God by surprise. He is Lord of heaven and earth and will continue to walk with us in the days ahead.
Second, let me remind you that times of crisis create opportunities for us to speak to unbelieving friends and family about the peace we have in Jesus. Yes, we desire to live a long healthy life, yes we want to be diligent to protect ourselves against this and all other illness however, as Paul makes clear, “to live is Christ, to die is gain!” Don’t miss the opportunity to demonstrate and speak faith in your response to this virus. Here is a story of how Christians are responding to the virus inside China.
Third, let me encourage you to not pull away from the Body of Christ during this time. Sure, we can isolate and avoid human relationship but at what cost? Obviously immune-compromised members will need to limit their contact. Also, if you are sick with any symptoms that could be caused by the coronavirus, or by the flu for that matter, you should stay home. We are blessed to already have Facebook Live available as a way of watching the service from your home should that need arise. Please see below for more on how to access our live service. But for those who are well and who have healthy immune systems, remember the benefits of participation in the Body and stay present. As Mary Coryell is fond of saying, “I don’t know how people go through a personal crisis without a Church body like this.” Amen! We are better together and together we will serve God to His glory in this broken world. If you do become ill, remember that we have a prayer team at Servants of Christ. Call or email Mary Langeland at (352) 371-2939 or marylang704@gmail.com.
Be assured that the rest of our clergy and I will remain active in pastoring this congregation through this emergency. If you need pastoral assistance, call me any time at (352) 870-4424.
I am praying for all of you and am available for your questions and comments as always.
Onward and Upward,

How to access us Live on Sundays:
1) First, if you haven’t already, create a Facebook account at facebook.com.
2) Once your account is created, visit facebook.com/servantsanglican and Like our page and be sure to select “Following” so you’ll get notifications when we go live. Wait for Sunday and then proceed to one of the options below!
From a computer:
On Sundays, login to your Facebook account and head over to facebook.com/pg/servantsanglican/videos. Once we go live (usually around 9:20am), our video will be the first you see when you scroll down the page slightly. You’ll know you have the right video because there will be a red “Live” button at the top left of the video. If you don’t see the live video after 9:30am, message us using the button at the top of our Facebook page for help.
From a phone:
On Sundays, visit linktr.ee/servantsanglican and tap “Find us Live on Sundays.” The link will take you to our Facebook page; you may need to login before proceeding. Once logged in, scroll down until you see the live video (look for the red “Live” button at the top left corner of the video). If you don’t see the live video after 9:30am, message us through Messenger for help.
If you need any help setting up your account, contact communications@servantsanglican.org.