“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,
for those who are called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28
This is a simple verse but it holds so much power. If we honestly love God, we are willing to work for His purpose, not our own. That is easy to say, but sometimes it can be hard to accomplish.
God has called me to work with children and youth. Throughout my adult life God gave me a passion to serve children and to influence young adults. I spent 15 years working for the School Board of Alachua County in their After School Programs. I used that outlet to show those students what they brought to the table – what gifts and passions they had been given – and how to use those gifts to better others’ lives.
God shut doors that I wasn’t meant to go through. He opened the ones that He had planned for me. Even in the midst of one journey, He closed the door I was walking through at the time. That closed door, at the time made me feel lost, like I didn’t have a purpose. I had forgotten who God made me to be. God’s timing is everything. That closed door led me to Servants, where I found a family to guide and love me as I am.
God restored my passion for children and youth. He showed me, and continues to show me, that He gave me specific gifts. I am to use those gifts to better His Kingdom, not mine. I may be loud and in your face. It may seem at times that I am driven, a never ending ball of energy. That comes from knowing I am where God wants me to be. Even when life feels overwhelming, I have a peace in my heart because I am where God has a purpose for me. That ministry is with our kids and teens at Servants. God has placed me in a ministry that I love. He uses that ministry to keep me close to Him, to grow in His Word daily and to learn from our children what it means humble myself before Him. I understand that I must be in a constant walk with Him, so I can help others find Him as well. To watch them have the joy of the Holy Spirit, to see them not be afraid to shout it from the mountain tops that they love Jesus, to watch them grow in God’s love, to see them figure out what He has called them to do for His Kingdom – these are blessings in themselves.
I know you love God. You want the work you do to be for His purpose. If you aren’t plugged into a ministry you may not know what that looks like. It looks like love, God’s love. When you think about serving, it should feel right. Not only while you are in the act of serving, but even the of act of praying over that ministry should bring you joy. I would encourage you to let God have control over your purpose, it’s His anyways. Pray that He would close the doors that aren’t meant to be, and push you through the one that has your name written all over it. When you hear someone mention a ministry and it feels like you are being pushed to stand up, that’s the Holy Spirit telling you to go. Let Him ignite a passion in your heart that only the act of serving and knowing that you are on God’s path can fulfill.
Kim Harris
Kim has been at Servants since the summer of 2014. In the fall of 2014 she joined the Servants’ staff as the Director of Children’s Ministries. Since then she has starting working in our youth program as well. She is actively involved in other children and youth ministries around our diocese, such as Camp Araminta, Dynamos, and Collide. She has been married to her amazing husband John for almost 16 years. They have three talented and spirited children: Katelynne, Kaycee, and Jack.