But if we walk in the light as He is in the light,
we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son,
purifies us from all sin.
1 John 1:7
A great way to fellowship with one another is to be a Eucharistic Visitation Minister (EVM). An EVM takes communion to the homebound and sick, in homes, hospitals, nursing homes and rehab centers. It is a ministry that blesses the EVM as much as it blesses those we visit.
An EVM brings the presence of Jesus, in the host and wine, to our members who cannot attend the worship service on Sunday. What could be more glorious? Often we get to share this with family and friends as well. I remember taking communion to Ben* at an assisted living facility in Lake City on a Palm Sunday. Ben was sitting outside on the front porch. As we began going through the readings and prayers, several residents joined us. They shared in our communion, asked for palms, and were eager for my return visit. It was a wonderful experience, like so many others I have had over the years of being an EVM.
I have read that efficiency, multitasking and busyness all kill intimacy. Most of my daily routine involves all three. Maybe it does yours too. This is not true when I am acting as an EVM. Time stops. We share the word of God, prayer and communion using a simplified liturgy. It is an intimate moment for all of us. It is fellowship and community in the presence of Jesus.
Being an EVM requires a small, flexible, time commitment that helps the homebound stay connected with their church family. You will be blessed by the intimacy, joy and comfort you bring to the communicants. Consider joining me on a visitation, especially during this Lenten season. Commit an hour of your time and come feel the presence of Jesus as we gather in His name.
Ramona Chance
Ramona has been at Servants since the beginning. She’s served as a chalice bearer since then and moved into the Eucharistic Visitation Minister role in 2010. Ramona loves reading, cooking, and hospitality. Years ago she was into costuming for theater and recently saw the traveling Star Wars Costume Exhibit at the Fine Arts Museum in St. Petersburg, FL (which was awesome!). Ultimately though, Ramona’s goal in life is mentor women. When she dies she doesn’t want to hear that she was a good lawyer (though that may be true), but rather that there are women whose lives are better because they knew her.
If you’re interested in accompanying Ramona on an EVM visit, you can contact her at rchance@mindspring.com.
*The person is real, but the name has been changed to protect personal information and to avoid any HIPAA violations.