I have struggled with reading the Bible daily most of my life. I prayed regularly, shared verses with my children as they grew up, but had never really dug in deep. When Jake was finishing middle school I went to Alex for guidance. He recommended a devotional titled Daily Light. It is small, I know it sounds crazy but I don’t like big bulky books. Each page was dated and had a morning and evening reading. And it had titles on every page. I love titles. I read the title and think about it even before I start my daily Scripture reading; it focuses my mind.
Before this devotional I would begin to read and then to be honest, get distracted and never get back. Daily Light has given me order. I read it over my coffee in the morning and it’s amazing! I pray on the way to work. Reading Scripture aids in my prayer life. I pray over my husband, my children and those they date or are married to. I then give the Holy Spirit permission to order my day. I beg the Lord to help me not to be too busy that I miss what He has for me that day!
I find throughout the day the verses I have read, the prayers I have prayed, become alive and equip me. There are times when I’m running late to work, I think, “I just don’t have time to read, I’m going to be late!” I stop and know I can’t afford not to read. And I’ve never been late. See that’s the great thing about Daily Light it’s not a long reading but so rich! The readings combine many different verses from different chapters. If you want to unpack more, they’re all listed in order at the bottom. There are times when I come home for lunch and it’s been a really bad day. I open it again and read the evening one early.
I have read through this yearly devotional for so many years and it never gets old because God’s Word never gets old. I’m always in a different place when I read it each day, each month, each year. A couple months ago my granddog ate my devotional. Yep, that happened. I went months without it. I ordered a nice Bible. Never opened it. The email that Ethan is sending out weekly has helped. I will Google and read them during my day but unfortunately have fallen behind.
I had lunch with Joyce Hearn a couple weeks ago and she gave me a present. She bought me a new copy! I had totally forgotten that I shared this devotional with her years ago. I have never been so happy! I am back in my groove but I have to be honest, it took me a while to get back there. See with time I forget what habits are good. When I didn’t read it every single day I didn’t crave it as much. I also was not at peace and did not even realize it. It made me stop and think. When we’re not in God’s Word or seeking His face, what a scary place that is, and we don’t even know it, we don’t even know we’re there.
I am enjoying my readings daily again and at the end of my readings I always say, “The word of the Lord… Thanks be to God.”
About our guest blogger: Jody Farmer is our Rector’s wife, a development manager, and the mother of three adult children.